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Add real estate
Updated over 8 months ago

You can easily track your real estate investments, including houses, land, or commercial properties. To find your address better, search for it or add it manually.

  1. Address details (Address, City, Postcode, Country)

  2. Property details (Name, Property class, Category, Size, # of bedrooms, # of reception rooms)

  3. Purchase details (Purchase price, Currency, Purchase date, Additional investment)

  4. Value estimation (based on your purchase price)

  5. Final details (if you want to add any additional notes)

After you add your real estate to your portfolio, you will able to see financial details about it:

  1. Summary (MOIC, IRR, Total contributions)

  2. Valuation (Market value, estimated profit&loss)

  3. Information (based on the information that you added during the addition of real estate)

If you have questions about the terms (IRR, TVPI, etc.), please check out this article.

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